P. 14

Total                                     2
                                                                 attendance                                  DM
                                                                  across all                               Techn
                                                                 Local- and                              EOS Lig
                                                             Vendor-provided                           Spotlight
                                                                classes was                          Scenery: Ca
                                                                                                    Advanced Te
                          1,713.                                                                  Level 1 Introd
                                                                                                 Beginner Vect
     CRAFT-SPECIFIC SKILLS TRAINING                                                             Painting Essenti
                                                                                               Pro Beginner To
      continued                                                                               Beginner Toon Bo
                                                                                             2 Storyboarding f
           In 2016, we approved 350 Local-provided training proposals, for which            Television Writing
           187 courses were held. Some courses were offered numerous times in               a Solid Foundation
           multiple classes.                                                               Advanced Topics 1 P
                                                                                           1 Illustrator Advanc
           Additionally, 42 vendors were approved to provide courses that teach the        Maya Introduction M
           skills needed by industry workers to remain current in their craft and com-     Introduction Digital
           petitive in the marketplace. Seventy-five courses were held, with some offer-   Renaissance and Bar
           ing multiple classes.                                                           Perspective C- Three
                                                                                           C - Anatomy 3 - Fron
           We also introduced Producer-provided hands-on skills training for industry      Construction - Torso/
           drivers in the following six courses: Vehicle Inspection, Coupling and Uncou-    and Folds C - Gest
           pling, Permitting, Weight Distribution, Load Securing and Air Brake Operation.   C - Color Theory 2
                                                                                             Sketching C - Ske
    OTHER TRAINING PROGRAMS                                                                   Vehicle Design C
           Contract Services also allocates funding for training required under Collec-         Rope and Tra
           tive Bargaining Agreements for individuals to either maintain or upgrade               Class with Dado
           to a higher job classification on the Industry Experience Roster, as is the             Repair in Pro T
           case for Local #706 – Make-up Artists & Hair Stylists. The Make-up Artist                After Effects
           Training Series and Hair Stylist Training Series, administered by Contract                 Compositin
           Services, are designed to provide a detailed study of proper technique rel-                  Premiere
           evant to the respective craft and to outline the essential qualities of being                  Console
           a Make-up Artist Journeyperson or Hair Stylist Journeyperson.                                    ION
                                                                                                              1: D
           As it has since 1965, Contract Services also funds apprenticeship programs
           established by Collective Bargaining Agreements between Producers and the                             t
           International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local #40. The Wireman
           (Electrician) Apprenticeship Program is a five-year program consisting
           of classroom instruction and approximately 10,000 hours of on-the-job
           training, while the Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) Mechanic
           Apprenticeship Program is a four-year program consisting of classroom
           instruction and approximately 8,000 hours of on-the-job training. These
           programs are administered by the Joint Apprenticeship Committee, which is
           comprised of management and labor representatives.

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