Safety, Harassment Prevention
and Other Training Courses

West Coast industry rosters and training lists contain more than 55,000 highly trained and qualified employees spanning more than 125 job classifications. We help ensure workers meet the criteria for employment in the industry.
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We offer online and in-person training as well as "blended" courses, which contain a blend of both online and in-person instruction. We offer 37 courses, including 32 safety courses, 2 harassment prevention courses, 1 required skills course, 1 COVID-19 prevention course, 1 identifying and reporting child abuse and neglect course, and additional training found below.
Safety Training Harassment Prevention Training COVID-19 Prevention Training Apprenticeship Programs Upgrade Training Safety Advisor Training
Whether it’s drug/alcohol testing, licensing/certification reimbursements, or other vital tasks, we are the administrative backbone of the industry, handling these functions and relieving each signatory employer from having to perform these services themselves.
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We offer the latest resources, news and best practices on workplace safety. We consider it a very serious responsibility to make sure we have not only the most talented, but also as safe a production workforce as anywhere in the world.
Safety Hotlines Safety Bulletins Production Notices Studio Zone Map Safety Advisor TrainingFor more than 50 years,
Contract Services has served the motion picture and television industry, training a freelance workforce of more than 60,000 individuals and ensuring that vital behind-the-scenes administrative functions are carried out smoothly and efficiently.
At our state-of-the-art training facility, we offer a “one-stop shop” for meeting a wide array of contractual, legal and regulatory requirements. From acclaimed industry-wide safety training to full administration of industry experience rosters, Contract Services helps Industry Professionals remain compliant with their requirements and ready to work.
In an industry that’s always evolving, we’re keeping pace every step of the way.